At Check Point we provide an array of services that our customers can count on. Come in today to experience our one of kind white glove service and so much more.
How is it done?
A review is performed on each vehicle and includes the engine, interior and exterior. Our Lead Technician’s expert recommendations based upon your vehicle’s current mileage, manufacturer’s guide and on any described performance issues. Customers can choose to wait in the comfort of our waiting room or access our free concierge shuttle service for round the town drop offs/pickups.
*Refer to vehicle's owner's manual for a definition of driving conditions.

from $125.00

Engine Diagnostics
from $100.00

Engine Tune Up
from $350.00

from $150.00

from $50.00

Suspension Services
from $65.00

Oil Change
from $325.00

from $25.00
We Take Extra Care of You

Air Conditioning
from $200.00

from FREE

Glass and Exterior

Car Wash & Interior
from $94.00

Government Inspection
Coming Soon

Oil Analysis Testing